Serving the planet and her people


9/8 Twenty Reasons I am Privileged

“Make a list of 20 privileges you have.”

1) I am privileged to have a healthy, mobile body.

2) I am privileged to travel the globe and explore the Great Mother.

3) I am privileged to have been brought up in a family that cherishes education.

4) I am privileged to live in a time when women empowerment is all around.

5) I am privileged with curiosity, the willingness to seek knowledge, to think for myself and question everything.

6) I am privileged with religious freedom, to learn about spirituality, and define what faith means to me.

7) I am privileged with connections—I have devices to connect me to a broad world of limitless possibilities, and humans who believe in me.

8) I am privileged with information about food and nutrition, so that I may continue to fine tune my being to perform optimally on an emotional and physical level.

9) I am privileged to have sat at the feet of great teachers.

10) I am privileged with challenges that force me into asking, “What more can I do to serve?”

11) I am privileged with valuable conversations with a diverse range of people that keep me focused on choosing love.

12) I am privileged to choose sobriety and not let addictive tendencies interfere with my highest good.

13) I am privileged to know love and give love and receive love.

14) I am privileged with the freedom to pursue new pathways, removing the guilt to follow “the normal life.”

15) I am privileged with gratitude, to pause each day and breathe in the gifts all around me.

16) I am privileged with students and clients who seek me and trust me with their journeys.

17) I am privileged with opportunity to make clean, organic food.

18) I am privileged to have this platform, to speak from my heart and formulate ideas.

19) I am privileged to have a partner who wants to play and grow and listen and evolve.

20) I am privileged to have reached YOU, dear reader!

yoga teacher machu pichu
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